
Gulfood Annual Food and Beverage Expo and Conference Dubai 2018

Gulfood Annual Food and Beverage Expo and Conference Dubai 2018

Location: , United Arab Emirates
Category: Business and Economics
Start Date: 02-18-2018 Last Day: 02-22-2018 Deadline for abstracts: 02-17-2018
In a market valued at more than $5 trillion globally, food and beverage business opportunities are vast and the stakes are high. To grow, you must remain agile, sourcing the latest products from the most competitive suppliers armed with real-time knowledge of industry pricing and forthcoming trends. That's why Gulfood is your gateway to new food business in established, evolving and emerging markets. Only here can you access more than 5,000 local, regional and international suppliers from 5 continents during a critical phase in the annual world harvest cycle. Global prices are set here, and it is from this foundation…
Blockchain And Shop hackathon

Blockchain And Shop hackathon

Location: , France
Category: Health and Medicine
Start Date: 02-16-2018 Last Day: 02-18-2018
Un hackathon 100% Blockchain, pour faire du groupe Casino un des premiers aexploiter la blockchain dans le secteur de la grande distribution en France. Votre mission Rendre la traçabilitE des produits et des transactions infaillibleFaire en sorte que l'identitE de chaque acteur de la supply chain (Eleveur, abattoirs, transformateurs, centres logistiques, distribution, retail) ainsi que les informations concernant chaque transaction soient enregistrEes sur un systeme de blockchain. Fiabiliser les transactions via un systeme de blockchainTracer toutes les Etapes de vente sur une marketplace. Faciliter les paiements via une carte de fidElitE. REvolutionner les systemes de fidElisation. Les prix 1er :…
PDF Tips and Tricks for Business Professionals

PDF Tips and Tricks for Business Professionals

Location: , United States
Category: Business and Economics
Start Date: 02-16-2018 Last Day: 02-16-2018 Deadline for abstracts: 02-16-2018
OVERVIEW PDF has become the standard digital file format for long term archive and storage of documents. At the same time, it has become the most common format for sharing and collaborating on documents. Many business professionals do not understand how the application and method used to create a PDF impacts how useful a PDF is for either purpose.This webinar provides specific tips and tricks for creating the type of PDF you need in specific situations and how to work with PDFs created by you or by others. WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND You should attend this webinar if you regularly…
GDPR for Dummies European Roadshow - Geneva (15/02/2018)

GDPR for Dummies European Roadshow - Geneva (15/02/2018)

Location: , Switzerland
Category: Business and Economics
Start Date: 02-15-2018 Last Day: 02-15-2018
In an age of uncertainty, the one certainty for 2018 is the introduction of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In order to assist European organisations take a practical, business orientated approach to GDPR, the team at MetaCompliance are having an executive briefing in key European cities. These include London, Dublin, Edinburgh, Amsterdam, Berlin and Geneva. Whether you are kickstarting your privacy project or looking for ways to ramp up your existing programs, these breakfast briefings are designed to provide practical advice and assistance. Focusing on the realities of implementing GDPR, these practical briefings will expand on our team's…
Tougher Import Rules for FDA Imports in 2018

Tougher Import Rules for FDA Imports in 2018

Location: , United States
Category: Health and Medicine
Start Date: 02-15-2018 Last Day: 02-16-2018 Deadline for abstracts: 02-13-2018
Background: FDA and the Customs and Border Patrol Service (CBP) have become increasingly sophisticated and equally demanding in the submission of import information and adherence to government procedures. Firms that fail to understand and properly execute an import and export program find their shipments delayed, detained or refused. As of December 2016, FDA and CBP officially implemented the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) entry filing system. You either meet ACE requirements or face entry refusals and monetary penalties of up to $10,000 per offense. Other factors can derail the expectation of a seamless import entry process. The course covers detailed information…
Risk Management in Medical Devices Industry

Risk Management in Medical Devices Industry

Location: , United States
Category: Engineering and Technology
Start Date: 02-15-2018 Last Day: 02-16-2018 Deadline for abstracts: 02-13-2018
Gaps, incorrect or incomplete implementation of software can delay or make the certification/approval of medical products impossible. Most activities cannot be retroactively performed since they are closely linked into the development lifecycle. Diligent, complete and correct implementation of risk management from the start of product development is therefore imperative. This course will introduce all necessary steps to design, implement and test critical medical device software in a regulatory compliant environment. Software risk management has to be embedded into the bigger scope of overall risk management. Therefore this course will additionally address the system level risk management and the resulting interfaces…
CODING ALL-STAR - Winter Season

CODING ALL-STAR - Winter Season

Location: , France
Category: Computer Science and Internet
Start Date: 02-15-2018 Last Day: 02-15-2018 Deadline for abstracts: 02-14-2018
Autre nouveauté cette saison, un nouveau langage s’ajoute au programme, Java entre dans l’arène pour pimenter le challenge ! Cette saison, ça sera aussi l’occasion de se frotter à la league SG !! Eh oui, les Développeurs Société Générale seront aussi dans le challenge, une belle façon de voir comment on travaille chez Société Générale :) Après, on ne change rien : des hot-dogs et des boisssons seront bien évidemment servis tout le long de la soirée. Alors, quelle league allez-vous rejoindre ? Serez-vous un JavaScript Ninja, un Python Wizard ou un Java Cyborg ? Price: Je réserve ma place:…
Boosting Your Supply Chain and Bottom Line Performance - The Easy Way

Boosting Your Supply Chain and Bottom Line Performance - The Easy Way

Location: , Australia
Category: Business and Economics
Start Date: 02-15-2018 Last Day: 02-15-2018
A Business event focused on sharing knowledge and networking. A meal and a one hour presentation with case studies, tips and tools to help Managers achieve greater performance from the Supply Chain. Tickets: Time: 19:00 to 20:00 Price: 13 February 2018 - Melbourne South East - Breakfast: AUD 0.00, 13 February 2018 - Melbourne South East - Lunch: AUD 0.00, 13 February 2018 - Melbourne South East - Dinner: AUD 0.00, 15 February 2018 - Melbourne CBD - Breakfast: AUD 0.00, 15 February 2018 - Melbourne CBD - Lunch: AUD 0.00, 15 February 2018 - Melbourne CBD - Dinner:…
Conducting an effective Job Safety Analysis (JSA) /Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)

Conducting an effective Job Safety Analysis (JSA) /Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)

Location: , United States
Category: Business and Economics
Start Date: 02-15-2018 Last Day: 02-15-2018 Deadline for abstracts: 02-15-2018
OVERVIEW A Job Safety Analysis (JSA) or Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is a very effective way to help mitigate health and safety hazards in the workplace. It is an important element to have in a comprehensive Safety and Health Management System. A JSA/JHA is a 3 step process that helps prevents Employee accidents and injuries. The first step of a JSA/JHA identifies all of the sequential steps of how a job or job task is done. The second step lists all health and safety hazards identified in the job or job process. The third and most important step identifies safety…
How to Comply with the New EEO-1 Reporting Changes

How to Comply with the New EEO-1 Reporting Changes

Location: , United States
Category: Business and Economics
Start Date: 02-15-2018 Last Day: 02-15-2018 Deadline for abstracts: 02-15-2018
OVERVIEW On August 29, 2017, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memorandum informing the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) of OMB's decision to initiate a review and immediate stay of the EEOC's collection of aggregate W-2 pay and hours-worked data on the EEO-1 report. At the same time, OMB expressly permitted the EEOC to continue collecting EEO-1 data identifying the race, ethnicity, and sex of workers, by job categories. As a result of the stay on the 2017 EEO-1 reporting cycle, the EEO-1 will not collect data about pay and hours worked from employers. But, for…
Stressed Out: How to Handle Conflict, Difficult People and Challenging Situations

Stressed Out: How to Handle Conflict, Difficult People and Challenging Situations

Location: , United States
Category: Business and Economics
Start Date: 02-15-2018 Last Day: 02-15-2018 Deadline for abstracts: 02-15-2018
OVERVIEW Conflict is an inevitable part of life. No matter how hard you try, it can seem that there will always be something that causes you or someone around you to be frustrated, angry, and impatient – or a whole host of other not-so-pleasant emotions. Conflict arises when the people we work with have different ideas, perspectives, backgrounds, values, goals or expectations. Yes, conflict can be destructive! It diverts energy from more important activities and issues; it polarizes people and reduces co¬operation; and it can produce irresponsible behavior. And conflict can be constructive! It opens up and improves communication; it…
How to Handle Workplace Conflict

How to Handle Workplace Conflict

Location: , United States
Category: Business and Economics
Start Date: 02-15-2018 Last Day: 02-15-2018 Deadline for abstracts: 02-15-2018
This webinar has been approved for 1 HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™ and SPHRi™ recertification through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®). Please make note of the activity ID number on your recertification application form. "For more information about certification or recertification, please visit the HR Certification Institute website at The use of this seal confirms that this activity has met HR Certification Institute's® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval." Training Doyens is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. This program is valid for 1 PDC for…
The EU Clinical Trial Regulation + EU Filings & Registrations

The EU Clinical Trial Regulation + EU Filings & Registrations

Location: , Switzerland
Category: Health and Medicine
Start Date: 02-14-2018 Last Day: 02-15-2018 Deadline for abstracts: 02-13-2018
This course covers the requirements for conducting Clinical Studies across the EU via the requirements of the EU Clinical Trial Directive and the impending changes coming to the EU through the EU Clinical Trial Regulation (for Drugs, Biologics & Combination Products). The course also covers recent updates on EU-GCP associated with the new regulatory framework, the highlights of the new EU Pharmacovigilance Directive, as it relates to studies and helpful tips into working with the European regulators. Additionally, the seminar will cover the impending changes coming with the EU Parliament passage of the EU Clinical Trial Regulation, which will affect…
Applied Statistics, with Emphasis on Verification, Validation, Sample Size, and Risk Management, in R&D, Manufacturing, and QA/QC

Applied Statistics, with Emphasis on Verification, Validation, Sample Size, and Risk Management, in R&D, Manufacturing, and QA/QC

Location: , United States
Category: Health and Medicine
Start Date: 02-14-2018 Last Day: 02-15-2018 Deadline for abstracts: 02-13-2018
The 2-day seminar explains how to apply statistics to manage risks and verify/validate processes in R&D, QA/QC, and Manufacturing, with examples derived mainly from the medical device design/manufacturing industry. The flow of topics over the 2 days is as follows: ISO standards and FDA/MDD regulations regarding the use of statistics. Basic vocabulary and concepts, including distributions such as binomial, hypergeometric, and Normal, and transformations into Normality. Statistical Process Control Statistical methods for Design Verification Statistical methods for Product/Process Qualification Metrology: the statistical analysis of measurement uncertainty, and how it is used to establish QC specifications How to craft "statistically valid…
Dare to be different-but check with the customer first

Dare to be different-but check with the customer first

Location: , United States
Category: Business and Economics
Start Date: 02-14-2018 Last Day: 02-14-2018 Deadline for abstracts: 02-14-2018
OVERVIEW Creativity is important. However, you have to do your homework first. How to get to know the customer and then take risks with great creative advertising? A look at how several retailers break through the advertising clutter by researching the market first and then executing. A look at eight reasons not to be different and if you listen to the internal experts, your store will look just like the competition. WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND Advertising executives/managers on both the client and ad agency sides: FEAR: All strive to have advertising messages that stand out but many wait till after…
The Effective Manager’s Boot Camp: Managing Your Time Effectively, Difficult People, Communication Skills and All Your Questions Answered In Just 180 Minutes!

The Effective Manager’s Boot Camp: Managing Your Time Effectively, Difficult People, Communication Skills and All Your Questions Answered In Just 180 Minutes!

Location: , United States
Category: Business and Economics
Start Date: 02-14-2018 Last Day: 02-14-2018 Deadline for abstracts: 02-14-2018
OVERVIEW Learn how to manage more effectively than ever before … in just 3 hours! You’ll gain insight into more effective time management, how to successfully manage difficult people, how to communicate more effectively so others will respond accordingly … just for starters! We’ll have 3 Q&A sessions, specifically to answer all your questions about how to manage more effectively. Among the topics we’ll address:: Take control of your time...and get control of your entire work day! The speed of everything has changed. Are your time management skills up to the challenge? Do you put off more today than you…
Recruiting for Hard to Fill Positions (Easiest Isn

Recruiting for Hard to Fill Positions (Easiest Isn

Location: , United States
Category: Business and Economics
Start Date: 02-14-2018 Last Day: 02-14-2018 Deadline for abstracts: 02-14-2018
OVERVIEW Generally, staff within most companies will open a position without investigating why the previous person left to determine the root cause. Was the Job Description poorly written so sourcing identified the wrong talent? Was the manager inept? Did the incumbent get promoted? Wouldn’t it be nice to learn/review ways to look at the Recruiting Process in order to find the elusive passive candidate instead of the ever-posting desperate candidate? The purpose of this webinar is to help your company identify and deliver the best qualified candidate. WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND Many company recruiters have only been trained how to…
Payroll Preparation for Year End 2017 and Year Beginning 2018

Payroll Preparation for Year End 2017 and Year Beginning 2018

Location: , United States
Category: Business and Economics
Start Date: 02-14-2018 Last Day: 02-14-2018 Deadline for abstracts: 02-14-2018
OVERVIEW Being prepared for 2018 means closing out 2017 properly, AND making necessary updates to your automated payroll systems prior to the 1st pay period in 2018. Prior to preparing 4th qtr returns, year end information returns, and accounting entries, you MUST reconcile the year’s activity. In this webinar you will learn how to reconcile payroll, how to properly fill out year end returns, and when to file them. We will go over all announced changes to tax rates, wage limits, and legislative announcements. We will highlight important State and Local changes, and inform you where to look for other…
Effectively Managing Difficult People

Effectively Managing Difficult People

Location: , United States
Category: Business and Economics
Start Date: 02-14-2018 Last Day: 02-14-2018 Deadline for abstracts: 02-14-2018
Training Doyens is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. This program is valid for 3 PDC for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit Management skills include everything that help you manage others effectively. Although such skills vary with the industry but some are universal across nearly every work environment. Attend the upcoming boot camp to learn how to master the skills of effective communication, dealing with difficult people and managing time. AREAS COVERED Self-Evaluation: How Do You Manage Your Time • Take the Time-Mastery Profile®…
What Is The Most Effective Recruiting Process To Attract The Best Candidates?

What Is The Most Effective Recruiting Process To Attract The Best Candidates?

Location: , United States
Category: Business and Economics
Start Date: 02-14-2018 Last Day: 02-14-2018 Deadline for abstracts: 02-14-2018
This webinar has been approved for 1.50 HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™ and SPHRi™ recertification through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®). Please make note of the activity ID number on your recertification application form. "For more information about certification or recertification, please visit the HR Certification Institute website at The use of this seal confirms that this activity has met HR Certification Institute's® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval." Training Doyens is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. This program is valid for 1 PDC for…

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