2025 7th International Conference on Environment, Resources and Energy Engineering (EREE 2025)
Added by Brandon on 2024-12-19
Conference Dates:
Start Date: 2025-07-25Last Day: 2025-07-27
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 2025-03-10
Conference Contact Info:
Contact Person: Ms. Greta ShenEmail: [email protected]
Address: Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Conference Description:
Conference ProceedingsAfter proper registration and presentation, the accepted papers will be recommended to get published in International Journal of Environmental Science and Development (IJESD)
IJESD: www.ijesd.org; ISSN: 2010-0264 (Print); 2972-3698 (Online); DOI: 10.18178/IJESD; Indexing: Scopus, Google Scholar, CNKI, ProQuest, EBSCO, etc; Journal Metrics: Citescore 2023 1.6