2025 The 10th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications (ICKEA 2025)
Added by Emmaa on 2024-09-20
Conference Dates:
Start Date: 2025-06-12Last Day: 2025-06-14
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 2024-12-30
Conference Contact Info:
Contact Person: Julia LimEmail: [email protected]
Address: Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan
Conference Description:
PublicationThe accepted papers of ICKEA2025 will be published on the Journal-IJIET, which will be submitted for indexing in Scopus etc. major databases.
International Journal of Information and Education Technology
ISSN: 2010-3689 (Online)
Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Inf. Educ. Technol.
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Jon-Chao Hong
Abstracting/ Indexing: Scopus (CiteScore 2023: 2.8), INSPEC (IET), UGC-CARE List (India), CNKI, EBSCO, Google Scholar