EAI IoECon 2022 - EAI International Conference on the Internet of Everything

Added by eai.Mikita on 2022-09-13

Conference Dates:

Start Date Start Date: 2022-09-16
Last Date Last Day: 2022-09-17

Conference Contact Info:

Contact Person Contact Person: Kristina Havlickova
Email Email: [email protected]
Address Address: Valencia, Valencia, Portugal

Conference Description:

It was about a decade when CISCO and other companies started using the “internet of everything” (IoE) phrase, where IoE became an intricate extension of the internet of things. IoE refers to consumer products and devices connected to the internet with expanded digital features. Specifically, IoE is a complete ecosystem that interconnects everything, such as people-to-people, people-to-machines, and machines-to-machines. So, for example, humans and devices communicate through people-to-machine and machine-to-people interaction. The internet of everything has four essential components: things, people, data, and processes, where the internet forms the foundation for these components. The term ‘things’ consists of machines, devices, and sensors that include the fundamental objects of the IoE ecosystem. ‘People’ provide the intellectual foundation of the IoE since humans give the analysis of data and create essential insights from operations. The term ‘data’ forms another IoE component, whose content increases each year exponentially and whose management becomes increasingly complex. ‘Process’ is the fourth IoE component that determines how each of the other three elements provides increased digital value by transferring data to the right person or device.

This EAI International Conference on the Internet of Everything concentrates on deploying intelligent devices and objects within the internet of everything systems. One focus could be the effects of technology on people and organizational processes; another could be the information security challenges from this technological evolution. This call aims to assemble academics, professionals, researchers, and students to share their ideas and experiences in a forum devoted to issues raised by the influence of IoE ecosystems. For example, industry should place worker wellbeing and information security at the center of the production process, which requires investments to combine innovative digital technology, machine learning, and big data. Moreover, modern computing disciplines closely relate to IoE. These include modeling, networking, embedded devices, security that integrate novel results with governance, economics, and social studies to provide a clear and unifying vision for an IoE future.
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