First National Conference on Modern Technology & English Language Teaching
Added by Khalil1343 on 2021-02-20
Conference Dates:
Start Date: 2021-11-11Last Day: 2021-11-12
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 2021-09-05
Conference Contact Info:
Contact Person: Khalil MotallebzadehEmail: [email protected]
Address: Tabaran Institute of Higher Educatuin, Shariati 60, Shariati Blvd., Ghasem Abad, Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi, Iran
Tel: +98 (51) 352 252 15 (Ext. 120)
Conference Description:
The first National Conference on: Modern Technology & English Language Teaching is organized by Tabaran Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran. This event will be dedicated to current issues on Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching & Learning such as Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), MALL, Technology-Enhanced Language Assessment, Language Teachers & Digital Identity, Professional Development & Technology. It also tries to target the future of ELT in Post COVID-19.Scholars, university lecturers and students are cordially invited to present their research reports on the conference themes in English. The selected full papers will be published in International Journal of language Testing (IJLT) and Journal of Research in Techno-Based Language Education (JRTBLE).
Conference Thems:
Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching & Learning (TELT / TELL)
Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL)
Technology-Enhanced Language Assessment (TELA)
Language Teachers & Digital Identity
Corpora & ELT
Learners' Privacy in Digital Era
Professional Development & Technology
Future of ELT in Post COVID-19
Translation Tools & Technology
English Literature & Digital Technology