Wage and Hour Topics: Making Sense of Requirements Affecting Exempt and Non-Exempt Employees

Added by Referral on 2020-05-08

Conference Dates:

Start Date Start Date: 2020-05-18
Last Date Last Day: 2020-05-18
Deadline for abstracts/proposals Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 2020-05-10

Conference Contact Info:

Contact Person Contact Person: Ashutos Swain
Email Email: [email protected]
Address Address: 2479 E. Bayshore Road Suite 260, Palo Alto, CA, 94303, United States
Phone Tel: 8887172436

Conference Description:

DOL has implemented the Overtime Regulations effective January 1, 2020. Attend this webinar to learn how the new rules impact employers. It will also identify resources and tools that can be used to reduce risk and focus on growing businesses.
Why Should You Attend:

As is with many regulations, Companies are confused or resentful of continued regulations and find it as an obstacle in running, growing and expanding their companies. It is a challenge for companies to keep track of regulatory changes and deadlines. A good human resources department or professional can mitigate some of these regulations by staying up to date on workplace laws, regulations and Executive Orders that not only is hard to keep up, but also difficult to track the changes.

Not following these changes is a landmine for companies and it would be in their best interest to be aware of changes and also have qualified human resources professionals and train their managers to identify the impact of these regulations to their bottom line. This course will provide business owners, human resources professional or other roles handling their workplace risk management situations, the top situations that can impact the DOL regulations.

It is important for Employers to be aware of how the Overtime Regulations new ruling impacts them. DOL has increased the salary threshold to determine exempt/non-exempt status.
Additionally, DOL and the Wage & Hour Division, the enforcement arm of the DOL and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) has increased their auditing efforts to ensure the Wage & Hour regulations impacting job seekers and employees are compliant. This include misclassification of exempt and non-exempt employees, employees vs independent contractors classification, overtime violations, off the clock work and other violations of regulations. This training will guide you as to the trending Wage & Hour regulations that impact exempt/non-exempt employees.

It will also identify resources and tools that can be used to reduce risk and focus on growing businesses. But please do not be penny wise and penny foolish. It is more cost effective to invest in qualified individuals who can mitigate some of the risks as well and providing training to those managers who can unwittingly risk fines and penalties with significant increase in your cost to do business.
Wage and Hour Regulations have increased to protect employees in the workplace as indicated by the Department of Labor (DOL) Most companies are aware of some of the regulations that are included as part of this regulatory agency. But, are Companies aware what the impact is if those regulations are violated? DOL workplace regulations are monitored and enforced by the Wage and Hour Division (WHD). This is the enforcement arm of DOL and they are charged with ensuring these regulations are followed by companies or enforce fines, penalties and even criminal sanction for willful violations of DOL regulations.

Areas Covered in the Webinar:

What regulatory agencies focus on protection of job seekers and employee wages?
How to determine exempt/non-exempt status with the new DOL overtime regulations?
How do you manage federal and state overtime regulations? Which supersedes?
Learn how “Off the Clock Work” is one of the highest concerns for the Wage & Hour Division.
To Be aware of the workplace regulations that impact your Company and can cost you in fines and penalties and even criminal sanctions.
To Identify those regulation deadlines and ensuring you do not miss those deadlines.
To Identify those employees who will assist in mitigating regulations and ensuring they have or will get the training they need.
To be aware how your managers can cost you by their ignorance of DOL regulations.
To identify resources to assist in risk mitigation.
To be ahead of regulations pending to start before the end of 2020; To have the payroll team, Managers and HR Professionals work together to help ensure compliance of DOL and other regulatory entities.
See how Multi-State classification of exempt/non-exempt can land Employers in hot water.

Who Will Benefit:

Business Owners, Company Leadership and Board of Directors (CFO, COO, CEO)
Federal Contractors
Department Heads
Human resources professionals
Compliance professionals
Payroll professionals
Managers/Supervisors & new and potential Managers
Office Managers responsible for HR responsibilities
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