Common Mistakes Owners and Contractors Make that Cause Disputes
Added by audiosolutionz123 on 2018-01-16
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Conference Description:
Product Format: Live WebinarPresenter(s): James G. Zack Jr., Steven A. Collins
Conference Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Time: 1:00 pm ET | 12:00 pm CT | 11:00 am MT | 10:00 am PT
Duration: 90 minutes
Price: $199.00
A recent global survey of the top five causes of claims found that contract administration issues are the largest cause of claims. The Navigant Construction Forum™ has determined that contract administration issues are not caused solely by one party to the contract, but rather are caused by both owners and contractors. Join expert speakers Steven A. Collins and James G. Zack, Jr., CCM, CFCC, FAACE, FIGPC, FRICS, PMP, to identify the top-10 mistakes owners make that cause claims, as well as the top 10 contractor mistakes that give rise to disputes.
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